Dear Labbers,
I recently posted the words below along with this image of me training on Instagram. The response was truly moving, and I am inspired to share this post about my self discovery and practices of conscious living with you here.
May this motivate you to discover all possible ways of exploring and understanding your essence and to cultivate a conscious life rooted in personal and artistic freedom.
‘I have never taken anything for granted. Nothing was ever gifted to me. I have earned every bit of my personal and artistic freedom. And I am still striving for more. I have been earning every penny of my living while delving into different layers of my professional and existential quests—a challenging journey, often set back by choices rooted in my unconscious conditioning.
I have often lost contact with myself, and I lost significant ground. But even then, the goal remained intact: to understand my psyche, to understand the human psyche, to meet my freedom, and to undergo what it takes for human beings to meet their freedom.
And so, I chose to evaluate and learn from all my choices. I have decided to ‘Save All Understandings and Changes’ in my mind and heart, carrying forward all the tough gifts.
At the age of 48, I have finally come to consciously own the roots of my essence. I am finally standing under my purpose, while choosing to continue evolving.
I encourage you to understand and conquer your quest. No one can truly experience YOU. No one can ever carve your path for you.
Cultivate consciousness within. ’
This March and May, I'll be in London, hosting two Masterclasses. If this resonates with you, I would be delighted to have you join me. You’ll find the relevant links below.
My warmest wishes 🤍
